Highland Vista Community Contacts

Our mailing address is:
Highland Vista Neighborhood Association
PO Box 13631
Tucson, AZ 85732

Eric Shepp
President, 520-979-9315
Eric manages the agenda for NA meetings and facilitates communication between the neighborhood and city, police and other local officials.

Mary Dorgan
Vice President, 520-909-3479

Lorna De La Ossa, Treasurer
Lorna manages pool membership, Neighborhood Association Dues, and gate keys for the pool.

Colin Deeds
Colin takes notes and keeps records of NA meetings

Michelle James
"Town Crier" Enews
Contact Michelle James if you'd like to make an announcement on the neighborhood listserv or have your email address added, deleted, or changed on the list.

Abby Green
Party Coordinator
Abby is the person to contact if you have questions about Porch Fest, any other HV social events, and renting the pool for a party

Daniel Cormode
Pool Manager
Daniel facilitates all pool maintenance